

Day 01: Medan
After the greeting of your tour guide of DEPARY ADVENTURE TEAM at the airport in Medan, we make a short city tour and visit including: Mesjid Raya "great mosque", Maimoon Sultan Palace, a Chinese temple and Merdeka walk field.
Then check in to the hotel in Medan.

Day 02: Medan – Bukit Lawang (B)

After breakfast city tour by visiting Great Mosque, Sultan Palace and Crocodile farm, the drive to Bohorok, on the way stop at Palm oil and rubber plantation, upon arrival at Bohorok check in to Ecolodge.

Day 03: Fullday Jungle Tracking (B-L)

After early breakfast at hotel, prepare for your jungle expedition , the trekking will starting by visiting Orang Utan at their feeding place during morning feeding time, after feeding time of Orang Utan start tracking deeper in the jungle, during the tracking you will be accompanied by ranger and local guide. During the tracking the possibility to see several kind of flora and fauna at Leuser National park, such as several varieties of birds, monkeys, wild pigs, wild orchids and a lot kind plants and big trees. The tracking will take about 6 hours. During the tracking will provide picnic lunch. Afternoon back to Bukit Lawang. Overnight.

Day 04: Bukit Lawang – Berastagi (B)

After breakfast drive to Brastagi on the way stop at Sembahe River, passing Sibolangit, and arrival at Brastagi visiting  traditional fruit market , Batak Karo Church and Gundaling Hill.Check in to Grand Mutiara Hotel.

Day 05: Berastagi – Ketambe (B)

Breakfast at hotel then drive to Ketambe; First we will visit Lingga village to see the traditional houses of Karo Batak Tribes. Today our journey is  passing mountain of Bukit Barisan. In the afternoon arrival at Ketambe; Check in to Pak Mus Guesthouse or Friendship Guesthouse. 

Day 06: Jungle Tracking (B-L-D)
We break early in the morning to a 2 days jungle trekking in the mount Leuser National Park. We discover the specifics of the tropical rainforest, the roofing of trees is so dense that comes very little light through.Various plant species have developed very different techniques to get enough light. So for example, highly growing  on the tree trunks Liana are climbing trees. 
Overnight at tent (Included Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)

Day 07: Jungle Tracking – Ketambe (B-L)
Today we make a jungle tour in Gunung Leuser National Park, which houses the most quite Indonesia mammalian species.Gunung Leuser National Park is very famous with: wild Orang-Utans,Presbytis thomasi, black handed Gibbon (Hylobates agilis),
the White beard Gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis),which include Siamang (Hylobates syndactylus)
and bird species such as the Argus (Argusianus argus) - his ki-au-call is a very characteristic sound in the forests of Sumatra, the Rhinoceros Hombill (Buceros rhinoceros), etc.We take our luch box on the banks of hotspringsriver and  then  back to the Guesthouse.Overnight.

Day 08: Ketambe – Tele – Samosir Island (B)
Breakfast  at Guesthouse; Check out and drive via Sidikalang to Lake Toba. At Tele we make stop to enjoy the most beautiful panorama of Lake Toba. In Pangururan you can visit Hotspring (possible to take a bath). Late afternoon check in to Tabo Cottagges for overnightstay.

Day 09: Samosir Island (B)
Free Program

Day 10: Samosir Island – Medan (B)
We leave Lake Toba for Medan via Siantar and Tebing Tinggi.
On the way we visit the Sibaganding Park with its hundreds of long tailed Maccaca monkeys and  Pantai Cermin or Sialang Buah beach too.Arrival in Medan.Overnight in the hotel Garuda Plaza or similar.

Day 11: Medan-airport (B)
After breakfast transfer to the airport in Medan.
Horas Sumatra.
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